Exploring the temperature dependent magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance effect in Fe-rich microwires for temperature monitoring.
Development of free space microwave sensing of carbon fiber composites with ferromagnetic microwire inclusions.
Unveiling the magnetic and structural properties of (X2YZ; X= Co and Ni, Y= Fe and Mn, and Z= Si) full-Heusler alloy microwires with fixed geometrical parameters.
Magnetic properties and applications of glass-coated ferromagnetic microwires, advanced electromagnetics.
The magnetostriction of amorphous magnetic microwires: The role of the local atomic environment and internal stresses relaxation.
Anomalous magnetic anisotropy behaviour in Co-Rich and Fe-Rich glass-coated microwires under applied stress.
Influence of the geometrical aspect ratio on the magneto-structural properties of Co2MnSi microwires.
Optimization of magnetoimpedance effect and magnetic properties of Fe-Rich glass-coated microwires by annealing.
Carbon-doped Co2MnSi Heusler alloy microwires with improved thermal characteristics of magnetization for multifunctional applications.
Determination of magnetic structures in magnetic microwires with longitudinally distributed magnetic anisotropy.
Effect of annealing on the magnetic properties of Co2MnSi-based Heusler alloy glass-coated microwires.
Temperature influence on magnetic properties and magnetoimpedance effect of Fe-rich glass-coated microwires.
Preparation and magnetic properties of Co2-based Heusler alloy glass-coated microwires with high Curie temperature.
Elucidation of the strong effect of the annealing and the magnetic field on the magnetic properties of Ni2-based Heusler microwires.
Preparation and magneto-structural investigation of nanocrystalline comn-based heusler alloy glass-coated microwires.